28 April 2007


I found this stall in a market in West London. It sold almost entirely images and models of Jesus and the holy family.

I am fascinated by the icons that we humans use in our daily lives. Not always, but often to symbolise protection and our wishes and hopes. When I left Tasmania, I was given several different gifts to keep me safe on my journey.

A mother hesitated after school one day. "You don't have to accept this," she said, handing me a tiny silver image of Mary. "It's been blessed several times and is for safe return." I was delighted. Somebody wished me protection enough to have an icon blessed more than once. I slipped it into my luggage.

Another friend gave me a rainbow-coloured bag with an agate stone "for protection." I nearly left it behind, having little faith in the power of stones, but got it out to look at it just before I left. I turned it over and over in my fingers and something felt right about it coming with me.

Maybe I'm crazy to bother carrying these things with me. But somehow, for me, just the fact that somebody has wished for my safe journey enough to give me these objects makes it worthwhile. I believe there is enormous power in wishing.


Anonymous said...

I love the way you have looked at the giving of the silver Mary gift from the givers view point - she had obviously been thinking of your parting for quite some time. The thought of others are worth their weight in gold or in your case silver. Jill

Toni M Photography said...

I am believer now of having a particluar item for protection. It seems funny to have a "stone" ot "icon" in my handbag or pocket, but most of the time I feel a little better with it there. With the love and protection behind it, it makes it even more special. Especially from the person who gave it more. The thought behind as Jill mentioned above is totally worth it.

Having an item blessed is even more of a protection. Many a thought have gone into this wonderful gift this parent gave you, how wondeful she thought about giving you something for protection. I think it's awesome :)

Big hugs,
Love Toni