10 April 2007


Let's pretend you ring our doorbell. It's one of those traditional "ding dong" ones. I open the door. What a surprise! So nice of you to drop by for our housewarming! Come on down the hallway. Smell something cooking? It's a thai green curry in the kitchen.

Our bedroom is in one of those doors on the right. It isn't really that hot pinky kind of colour. It's more a red brick kind of colour. Notice the Friends poster on the wall, a kind parting gift from the flatmate before us. Borat is also on the wall in his lime green bathing suit. I thought he'd only last there for one day but it's suprising what you don't notice after a while.

Through the corridor and you arrive in our lounge room. Sorry I didn't have time to clean up for you. See the door at the end? Our kitchen's through there. It's about the same size as our home in Tassie. Here's L doing the olive oil dance, a traditional London welcoming ritual.

We have lovely housemates also, but they're out today. Something to do with skiing in France. Would you like a cup of tea?


Anonymous said...

Thank you for inviting me in. Lovely to see your new home and the cuppa was welcoming. You look right at home and what a gorgeous spot. Imagine even a green kitchen...you must still feel as though you are in Tassie. Keep the blog going I really love it. Did I notice a little floor space? Enough for a sleeping mat and bag!!!!!!!! Just kidding. Shims mum

Josie said...

Your flat look cool and very welcoming!!! :)

Han said...

hey lex - nice pad! how many others do you share it with? i love the colours of the place...kinda reminds me of ikea! i'd love to see bigger pics on your flickr. thanks for sharing it with us!

Han said...

...visited flickr...oh and i'll have my tea white and strong...ta!

Toni M Photography said...

I am so there in a flash..... Your Flat looks so warm and inviting.... How cool that the kitchen is about the same, a little piece of tassie comfort maybe???

Love all the pics and I'll write again soon,
Big hugs to the both of you,
Love Toni

Sooki Monster said...

Wow, it still looks so spacious even from photos! The red brick colour must be interesting to sleep in - good contrast for green mankini tho. Thank u for the tea and I'll just take a spot on the cushy looking couch :) Is there much of a view out the window? I do love that kitchen and the tiles - so cute! Glad to hear ur settling in well and hope to meet ur flat mates next time.

luv Tiarne

Bb said...

Cool house, what a great find! I have always wanted a red room, and still haven't achieved that. One day.
What I'd give to try your thai green curry! My nose just can't quite smell it from here ...

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the comments guys! This whole internet thing makes the world feel so much smaller and less like I'm that far away.
Kinoblue - We share the flat with another couple from Aus (Melbourne).
Tiarne - The view out the window is of our little tiny courtyard where we plan to have bbqs eventually!
Take care all,
love, Lex.