4 August 2009

That Cash Cow Feeling

Atlas Mountains in Morocco
Atlas Mountains, Morocco

Lauchlin and I are up in the Atlas Mountains. Across the way is the highest mountain in North Africa. We are staying in a most luxurious place with two tiny grasshoppers wandering around the walls, hot water in the showers and 360 degree views of mountains.

I came to Morocco determined to respect the (Muslim) culture. Since it's not really safe for women to travel alone, I've been everywhere with Lauchlin, wearing full length trousers and long sleeved shirts all the time. I'm wearing my wedding ring (dont worry mum, we haven't eloped!) and I'm speaking as much French as I can.

But still.

I have this feeling that I have suddenly stopped looking like my usual gangly red-head self and turned into a giant white cash cow. Whenever we buy things people try to charge us double, or triple - or even, like at dinner last night, FIVE TIMES the price that things should cost! It can be a little stressful trying to pursuade people to charge us fair rates.

However, people seem friendly, it is interesting eating tagines from terracotta tagine pots, and the night market in Marrakesh was fascinating.

Night Market in Marrakesh
Night Market, Marrakesh

I will write some more about the beautiful bits of Morocco when we get back to Marrakesh.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel but that is part of it really....you just have to bargain down and not feel bad....it is how they do it but yes, they do look at Westerners as somewhat of a cash cow....that is probably thanks to the good old Americans do you think? Am sure when you look back you will have just as wonderful memories of Morocco as I have...I still claim it to be my favourite place although there was no five star accommodation...we camped!!! Maybe I was regarded as a cashless camel... Love the pics. Jill