5 July 2008


I have winter nostalgia. It has crept up on me as I've noticed Londoners doing their usual stylish thing of wearing scarves even in the middle of summer. The weather has quietly become "Will I need a cardigan?" and not "I must put on my thermals, woollen jumper, woollen coat, gloves and scarf." And I LOVE this warmth, but somehow there is the odd feeling of missing wearing a coat and scarf, watching my breath turn white in the air and watching steam rise from tea.


lokulin said...

You are crazy Lex! It as bloody freezing in winter. I for one am much happier basking in this British heat. :-)

Anonymous said...

And here we are with the grass covered in frost and Liaweeni minus 10...My scarves and jackets are getting a good airing but I must admit those beautiful blue sky days after a harsh frost are something to enjoy. Shimnjill

Anonymous said...

hey i love this photo. it makes me feel all warm, snuggly and cosy!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the clothes of winter, the sun (because you can enjoy it without fear of burning/tanning - well, in Tassie anyway), I also love the hot drinks and snuggling down in the doona. I don't like the shorter days though. I miss the daylight.

Oli X

Ken said...

I too am a bit of a masochist for the winter cold. Maybe we could have winter/spring/autumn during weekdays and summer on the weekends. What do you reckon?

Lex said...

As soon as I start missing winter, the rain starts pouring down here! Interesting idea Ken. I used to wonder why it couldn't always rain in the night time and be sunny during the days.

Han said...

i hate to admit, but i love winter too...just like oli i wish for longer days and more of the sunlight...this week is going to bring our first one this winter with cloudy days and minus temperatures...i'm all for staying under that doona personally...once i've taken a few photos....