20 July 2008

How (not) To Travel Light

There are two types of traveller: those who like souvenirs and those who do not.
I am not a person for souvenirs, having bought a few over the years and ended up throwing them away because once I return home they collect dust and become kind of useless.

For more than a year I have resisted the urge to Buy Stuff. I came to England with just a backpack (weighing less than 20kg) and intend to return home with a backpack of a similar size.

But there is this need to collect, to make a place a home and somehow I have tricked myself into finding a few exceptions to the rule of "I cannot accumulate Stuff."

Postcard Collection Postcard Collection

Like postcards. I find it interesting to scan a few racks of postcards in a new country, checking to see if they have any historical ones or ones that are more stylish than the usual type. And how much do they weigh? Nothing! I can always post them home to myself when I return.

Books about London

Like guidebooks. I've been given a few, have purchased a few from op-shops. They are useful. Clearly they are not to be classified as souvenirs.

There are other collections, too. A little pile of maps, about a zillion photos, a stack of paintings I've done on paper.

Is it really possible to live somewhere for a long time and not accumulate Stuff?
I'm beginning to think not.


Ken said...

I think its about how much quality time you spend with the thing in question which takes up your shelf space. A souvenir is bought in the moment of travel then collects dust and is only examined when you move house or dust the room. As we all know souvenir is derived from the French "sou" meaning "snow" and the Latin "venir" meaning "dome". If you make use of it frequently, it's redeemed itself of souvenir statis. ;)

Lex said...

Hee hee! Snow dome! Hilarious. You're probably right - if it is useful it cannot be a souvenir. It is all still Stuff though...

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Club...if it evokes a strong memory then it is worth the dust....after all it is only the bottom layer of dust that touches anything...the remaining layers are just additional to the first!!! Everything in life does not have to be useful....if it was women would never marry!!!!! Jilland(much healthier)shim