4 December 2007

Story of a Bomb in a Suitcase

Hammersmith Bridge, Hammersmith
Hammersmith Bridge

The Hammersmith Bridge is possibly the most beautiful bridge I have ever seen. Maybe the appeal lies in the khaki green exterior with little star shapes stuck all over it and big strong-looking bolts holding it together. It is somehow something more than just a bridge. It was first built in 1824 and was rebuilt once in 1887. Which would make it at least 120 years old.

Little Star Shapes, Hammersmith Bridge

This bridge was nearly vanished when the IRA put a bomb on it in 1939. Luckily a man called Mr Childs was walking past and noticed a lonely suitcase with sparks and smoke coming out of it. He opened the suitcase - a brave act in itself - and threw the bomb into the river. The explosion made the water go 60 feet in the air. A few minutes later, a second bomb went off, collapsing girders on the west of the bridge and smashing windows in houses nearby. Mr Childs was awarded an MBE for his amazing act of bravery. Really. If I'd seen that suitcase I would have run away screaming. Hats off to him.


S'mee said...

Incredible story. Thanks for sharing.

Han said...

hammersmith looks pretty darn cool. oh and had that have been now...i'm pretty sure the bridge would have been demolished...people and terrorism equals paranoia...no one would have gone near that case!