30 October 2009


I woke up to the sound of rain on the roof and now the front porch is slick with water. Strangely, it all feels cozy and somehow right that it should be wet outside and the light falling through our kitchen window is filtered and dozy.

Lately, I've had this desire for soup with pearl barley and potato and celery in it, wanted to light candles in the evenings. Felt slightly odd that it's been humid and 27 degrees outside. I have this feeling of autumn, even though it's coming towards summer here, if I were in the UK now it would be autumn and frosty and beautiful leaves everywhere and soup would be just right, for now.

Funny that I went to the UK wanting to get under its skin, somehow to understand what it is to be English. And instead, it made me realise how truly Australian I am and crept its way under MY skin. Funny how things don't always happen in the way you would expect.


Anonymous said...

Very humid even here....midnight and 17 degrees....lots of thunder in the distance and some lightning but only the gentlest of rain.....funny how warm rain is cosy opposed to that winter rains which is cold and bitter. Hope you got some soup made...it is never the wrong season for a good soup. If it is wet it is good weather to snuggle down inside and check out the Age!!!!! Jill

Lex said...

All rain is nice... except for the kind you get in Melbourne where it has been hot all day and you are out without a raincoat or umbrella and it suddenly POURS...
Bought the Age today by the way!