13 May 2009

School, Home, Making Notes

School Bag

This bag came from Portobello Market, the end where all the vintage stuff is. I got it from an Italian stall holder and managed to knock £5 off because of the writing inside the flap. But actually the writing is cool.

Walked home from work today with this bag slung across my shoulder. It was a perfect spring day. Bought an icecream with a scoop of nocciola and chocolate and walked past the op shops, the fishmonger, the fish and chip shop. A girl from work caught me window shopping and we walked up the street past the plant nursery to the station. Across the wide zebra crossing where the cars always stop for you.

One of the parents told me today that it was a shame I won't be working at the school next year. It is a shame.

I'm making notes, gathering momentum, wishing to stay and make this ending last a little longer.

1 comment:

lokulin said...

I know how you feel Lex. The weather has been great lately and it does make all the nice things good again!

I can imagine you gazing in to the windows and all the cool stuff.