2 November 2007

On a Dark, Dark Night

From the Bus
Five o'clock, taken with my old camera

It was 5 o'clock, it was darker outside than it looks, of course the bus stopped before it got to my stop and the driver yelled out "ALL CHANGE!" I had to walk home through the pitch black park with all the other strangers. Strangers pushing prams full of babies and scurrying on to their warm homes. Dark dark prams and invisible babies. All we could see of each other was moving grey blobs, all we could hear was footsteps on footpath and rotten leaves squelching. We are like moles, burrowing through endless darkness. I wonder if moles are afraid of the dark. I wonder if they ever run into each other. And if they do, I wonder if they mutter "Sorry, sorry" as they charge onward in the infinite commute.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes it can be quite a bonding thing to be part of a group where none of you really want to be doing what you have been forced to do...it can even take on a humorous side although if you are tired and if it is a long way and if maybe it is wet....the humour fails to make its way to the surface. I wonder if moles have a sense of humour though. Aren't they blind? In which case it would be dark all the time...oh well...another of life's mysteries. Let me know if you find an answer....Jill & Shim

Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

All this talk of dark prams, invisible babies, and moles sounds very ominous. Too bad it wasn't Halloween.

Lex said...

We've just had Halloween... must be the influence of seeing little kids dressed up as witches, trick or treating!