27 May 2007

Postcard from West London

Dear Mum, Dad, Little Brother and Everyone,

This is a picture of West London on a sunny day.... do not be decieved! This is actually not what West London looks like today. Today it is raining, raining, raining.

It is a perfect day for sleeping in, sleeping in some more, drinking tea and eating crumpets with honey.

It is just the right occasion to go walking to the bookshop thorough the bright green grassy park underneath umbrellas to buy travel guides to Italy and Estonia. To call places to stay in Italy and say in Very Rusty Italian "Do you speak English? I'd like to make a booking?"

Today is just the perfect day for doing nothing and writing a postcard to say I miss you all and when are you coming to visit? I'll take you to this awesome Thai restaurant down the road. They have sticky rice! And if you're extra keen we could get some curried goat from the Jamaican place.


Toni M Photography said...

Oh Hun,

How I wish I could be on a flight tonight, but there isn't enough funds in the piggy bank at the moment. :(

I miss hanging with you on a Sunday afternoon with a cuppa and bikkies. One day soon I'll make it over there again... One day...

Big hugs,
Love Toni

Anonymous said...

Can just imagine the rain coming down as we have had a fair bit of that here lately. Sometimes it is nice though to have those days when you can just do nothing and not feel guilty. Did you get the travel guides? Bev says you will L-O-V-E Italy - and you probably love Estonia also. Travelling is such an exciting prospect isn't it? Did the book shop look like those old ones on telly or more your Angus and Robertson style?

Anonymous said...

Ooops - the forgot to say that the anonymous is Jill and Shim and yes, we miss you too but are envious (well at least I am - Shimi probably not)of the opportunity you are both having....xoxoxoxoxo

lokulin said...

Nothing wrong with rainy days....in moderation. For me it was just finally nice to have some time to sit back and do nothing but watch episodes of "My Name is Earl"