15 March 2007

It's Alive!

If you are reading this you will know that I have toyed with the idea of resurrecting the blog for a while.

So.... after many deletes and resurrections (this would be about the fourth rebirth) I have decided that the blog stays. A place for me to put up the odd pic to show my family that I am still alive and having a good time. A place to post the odd funny thing.

If you know me, you'll know that this is the second time I've been overseas to live. There will be no cheesy blog title ("Further Adventures of LexOnline") although I did consider it. If you come up with a better title let me know.

Here we go again, then: the craziness of living out of a backpack, of figuring out the public transport quirks of a strange country and deciphering those unwritten rules. Of missing the home country more than I appreciate it when I'm actually here.

Here's to having a crazy good time, meeting some nice people and throwing that coin into the Trevi Fountain in Italy.

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