6 May 2009

A Wee Postcard from Ben Lomond

Lex on Ben Lomond

Dear Mum, Dad and Everybody,

Hello from Ben Lomond, Scotland. I know what you're thinking. So where's the Loch Ness Monster? It's hiding um, under a rock.
Seriously - and I have to keep this short since there's not much room on this postcard - the shortbread here really is good, there aren't that many red-haired Scottish people, I didn't see ANY Scottie dogs and yes, the Scots really do talk like that. They're friendly too.
I loved the view from this mountaintop - Loch Lomond (to the left of this photo) was misted over with rain and there were lumpy islands gathered towards the end of the Loch. A perfect place for a monster to come into existence inside people's imaginations.

I hope you're well,

P.S. They really do say things like "a wee postcard." It's lovely.

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