26 April 2009

Things You Might See at the Seaside


Bournemouth is two hours from London by train and it felt like another world. A world mostly populated by teenagers and grannies. A world with a brightly shining sun - yes, it was raining in London when we left.

Bournemouth Beach, Bournemouth
Beach Huts, Bournemouth 99 Flake, Bournemouth

Things we saw in Bournemouth:

* Icecream trucks selling Flake 99s (soft serve icecream - see photo of Lauchlin above)
* Clans of grannies playing Bingo in a real proper bingo hall
* Teenagers drinking and forming relationships
* Young teenaged boys smoking *special* cigarettes
* Teenaged girls getting into the ocean and screaming with the cold
* Rowdy huddles of men wearing identical stag night tshirts and playing minigolf
* Most people wearing tshirts while I shivered away in my coat, jumper and thermal top

Honestly, I was glad to come back to London and leave the teenagers to their awkward experimentation. Bournemouth was beautiful though - the space seems bigger when you look off a clifftop and see nothing but blue.

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