15 May 2008

Letter From A Sunny Week

Manor House, Near Trowbridge, Wiltshire Road Leading From Manor House
Manor House near Trowbridge - just wanted to show you some English sun.

Dear Mum, Dad, little Brother and everybody,

I'm starting to feel like I'm that kid sitting in class, daydreaming and staring out the window. About this blogging thing I mean. This week there has been summer. I remember in winter aching to go outside whenever it was light, just to soak up the outside air and try to remember what sun was like. Now there's sun and I just want to do like the English do and go lie in a park trying to soak up every particle. I am in fact going to run away and be outside in a minute. I'm writing this just for you, mum.

I've been wanting to tell you that this week I've been on trial for a new job - I'm trying on the title "Nursery Teacher" (the Australian equivalent of a kindergarten teacher) and thinking that I kind of like it. I get to be outside for half the day, wander around and talk to the kids, sing and paint and read the odd story. There is far less trying to control children and NO MARKING! This could work. I have to wait and see what they say tomorrow about whether the school want me to stay or not.

It would be a shame if they didn't though - I've just got the cute little portugese girl to start talking to me in English. Her favourite word is "guana" (iguana).

Hope there are some iguanas in your day.

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