7 January 2008

Hello 2008

Houses, West London
Houses, West London

Tomorrow is back to work and it has been a fabulous holiday. It feels strange to begin the new year by immediately going back to work but perhaps I will be more productive. I love the sense of starting over, a new chance, a new opportunity to dream of better things that a new year brings. I always have a million things in mind to achieve and do differently, this time around.

Happy new year. I hope 2008 looks as good from your window as it does from mine.


Bb said...

Happy New Year! I hope it's a happy and productive one with loads of new experiences.

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Lex...I too start back at work next week with a vengeance....rather a rude awakening as we are having a hot and very swimmable summer.....Just think though now you are heading toward spring and the days are lengthening. Hamish mowed your lawn yesterday!!! Jill