11 December 2007

Pashonable Rocket

Rocket painted by me, inspired by children's drawings

"Miss, what's that word, pashonable?"
"Yeah, you know that word it means when people get all excited about something?"
"You mean passionate!"
"Yeah, of course, pashonab.. passionable, that's what I meant."


S'mee said...

Kids are the best muse! Beautiful colours and the over all design is great.

Anonymous said...

Thought that they may have meant fashionate!!!! Hey goes with rocket man.....who in fact has just been in Launceston. Can you believe an 83 year old mother/grandmother heads off to her first rock concert.....go Elton John!!!!!! I thought it was your children you were supposed to be worrying about. jillandshim

Bb said...

Its a very sexy rocket. Very pasionable.

Anonymous said...

Cool. Thijs and niels want to hire you to make a room decoration in the new house !
