The Thames - Taken from the London Eye, of course.
This photo was taken from high, high above. Far too high above London for me to be bothered by the sound of children talking about noogies.
I can see you nodding wisely. Ah, noogies, you are saying. Those are my favourite.
Trust me, these noogies are not your favourite.
These noogies spread like wildfire around the classroom, in that undertone kids are famous for. Sure, you can tell when kids are shouting. But when they're talking about noogies? Could be anyone. You can't even see their mouths move. Noogies escape their lips un-noticed, crawl ickily into the ears of other kids and wreak havoc in every direction.
General symptoms include:
Kids squirming.
Kids giggling.
Kids yelling "MISS! They're talking about noogies!"
And of course the chorus of
"But she said it FIRST!"
General treatments include:
Teacher frowning.
Teacher attempting to pinpoint general origination of noogies.
Teacher giving up attempting to pinpoint and demanding immediate cessation of silliness.
Noogies are squelched like a slug under a heavy boot.
Until next time.
P.S. Total times the word "noogie" was used in this blog: 10. Beats overuse of the words "and then" any day.
6 October 2007
London From Above (and Noogies)
Posted by Lex at 4:13 am
I had to check Urban Dictionary for that one!
I'm clearly out of the Noogie loop.
Yeah... the wikipedia definition makes it all sound quite scary. But note that my kids were only TALKING about them not actually doing them!
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