19 September 2007

The Newest Beginning

Things are good right now. I have three days left of holidays before beginning a new job on Monday, a teaching job, one that surprised me. In a good school, a nice place, with an age group that is about right for me. I'll be working with the class teacher for a week before she goes on maternity leave. This new job means: lots of work, quite a bit of commuting (takes about an hour to get there), and money. Hooray for money. Freedom to book holidays without worrying about being able to afford them, to go out for dinner, to go to the movies knowing that my bank balance will cope. Money means nice clothes and haircuts before my hair gets so long that it gives me a headache.

This new job means you might hear less from me, so the gap between London and Tasmania will widen a little bit. Sometimes I feel like I've disappeared altogether, that gap is so big. I suppose this is how it is, when you move away from home. A gradual forgetting and disappearing from one place and an appearing and re-defining in the other.

New Haircut

Yesterday I got my hair cut. About five or six inches of orange hair fell on the shiny floor in the hairdresser's. I feel lighter. New beginnings all around.


Toni M Photography said...

Oh Hun,

I love this new look... Very hot indeedy...

Glad to hear about the job as well.... Must be new the prayer flags I have up at the moment....

Will e-mail you later tonight,

Big hugs,
Love Toni

Han said...

hey lex - the haircut looks very comfortable on you and very cute! I hope the commute is a good chance for you to blog, read, watch, listen and get inspired for many a good holiday! there'll always be a gap, but thanks to the internet it's not AS big. thinking of you! hannah

Lex said...

Thanks so much Hannah and Toni! I don't know about blogging during the commute - it involves changing between tube and bus as well as walking (depending which route I take) but I think I'll definitely be daydreaming of holidays.
Miss you both,