6 April 2007

Squirrel Hunting

Ever since my first squirrel sighting, I have been hunting for a slower and more docile squirrel who likes having its photo taken. The third squirrel I happened on had potential. It was in the park in the photo on the left.

I looked around. It was the middle of the day. Everyone was at work (except the tourists like me). Nobody was around to think I was a little strange chasing a squirrel to get a photo.

The squirrel was on the ground. It was shaking its tail. It could not decide where to go. Carefully I stalked it, chasing it slowly around the tree so it would get on the sunny side and become more photogenic. It went up and down (they can go down trees head first, just like geckos) the tree. It went around. And finally it ended up here, in my photo, thinking that it was victorious.

Victory is mine, little squirrel.

Note: My first squirrel was spotted while out walking with my uncle. He informed me that the Eastern Gray Squirrel is, in fact, eeeevil. It is the eeeevil enemy of the (gorgeous) European Red Squirrel. Apparently the Gray Squirrel comes out of hibernation earlier than the Red, and so eats all the food. Also the Red Squirrels have worse memories and they often completely forget where they have stashed their nuts. Doh.

P.S. Just in case you can't actually SEE the squirrel in my photo, I've made it clickable so you can see the bigger version.


Anonymous said...

Aaahh the joy of seeing hat first squirrel.....As a Beatrix Potter fan, Squirrel Nutkin was one of my favorites.

Bb said...

What an awesome photographic victory, he's the cutest looking eeeevil thing I've ever seen!